Monday, February 4, 2013

Infotrac: Find what you're searching at HDL

It's true, the answer to most questions in life can now be found with the click of a button on the internet.  But sometimes finding those answers on Google requires click, after scroll, after click, only to reveal information that may or may not be relevant or trustworthy.  Wouldn't it be great if we could find substantial, reliable answers in just one place?  Have no fear, many of the databases available on the Herrick District Library website offer just the thing to help meet that need.  Info Trac is one such database, and it's incredibly robust.  This collection of full-text databases draws information and images from reference books, academic journals, newspapers and general magazines all through one common website.  Research how U.S. healthcare reform might impact you, gather information for a school project, learn what that obscure term in your fancy cookbook means, read up on BPAs in plastics and what they mean for your family, or find the answers to the "why" questions from your toddler on Info Trac junior .  Whatever question you're seeking to answer, Info Trac probably has an answer.  And, as always, if you need help along the way, our reference librarians are available at the "Ask Here" desk, by phone at 355-3720, or via chat on the library website to help you through.

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