Friday, October 25, 2013

World Book Night Returns!

Hey Book Lovers!  It's time to get ready to share your passion!

World Book Night 2014 is already in the works, with titles having been released this past week and applications to be a Book Giver are open!

In case you've not yet experienced it, here's the long (in short) about World Book Night: each year, readers from around the country nominate books that they have loved and the top 35 most recommended books then go back to the presses and get snazzy new covers that mark them as a World Book Night title.  Meanwhile, Book Lovers (such as yourself--hint hint) are busily signing up online, all over the country, to be Book Givers.  You'll ask for your top three choices of the above-mentioned books.  Early next year, you'll pick where you want to pick up your box of books and then, magically, a box will arrive at that place with your name on it and 20 copies of one of your top three picks.  You, then, my devoted readers, will go out into the community on April 23 and give away the books, for free, to anyone willing to try them out!

The idea behind World Book Night is to get books into the hand of people who might not have books of their own, or people who are less inclined to read.  The beauty of the book nominating system is that all these books have been selected by other readers--think of them as the Best of the Best in the People's Choice Awards.  

If you're ready to get involved, go here to fill out the application to be a Book Giver.  Want to know more about World Book Night?  Check out the website to learn all about the story behind this great annual event. And if you're simply ready to read every single book on the list, give the Ask Here Desk at the library a call at 355-2730 and we'll help you get your hands on them.

Happy Reading!

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