Saturday, August 10, 2013

Games to Play in the Car

Playing games in the car together is a great way to explore sounds and letters and even some arithmetic.  Remember playing alphabet?  Everyone works on finding the letters in the alphabet, starting with "a" and ending with "z", on road signs, billboards, business signs, and license plates as you travel.  This simple game of finding letters as we look through our car windows is a way of not only recognizing the different letters, but it also points out the importance that these letter groups have in our lives.  They make up words that help us maneuver through this world.

Another fun game is "I spy".  This game can have many hats.  Sure, for the little ones, you can use colors.  "I see something red."  But how about spicing it up for preschoolers with "I spy something that rhymes with..." or "I spy something that begins with /m/ (m sound)..."?  

Once they understand the letter sounds, try going through the alphabet, taking turns and naming something that begins with each letter.  
Person 1: apple
Person 2: bag
Person 3: car
Person 1: dump truck 
Of course, on the second time through the alphabet you can't reuse any words used the first time through!

My grandchildren in California play a game spying Volkswagen bugs.  The new models are worth 1 point and the old models are worth 3.  Once a person has claimed a sighting they have dibs on those points.  Each person keeps track of their own score.  This is a memory exercise and an adding exercise.  I, personally, think that a VW bug convertible should get some bonus points!

What I like best about all of these games is that you can play them as a family!  They are fun and, through repetition and your encouragement, they are learning something!

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