Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Book Sharing as a Positive Experience

I’m going to point out something that seems so simple but it needs to be said:  Please, remember to keep reading and book time a positive experience!  This alone can make all the difference between a non-reader and a reader.  Our emotions are not controllable.  How you feel is how you feel.

If an adult reader is stern or negative during reading time, it is almost certain the child will associate that with reading and will avoid reading if at all possible.  Negativity and fear are strong emotions for kids.  They are road blocks to learning of any kind.

On the other hand, if the adult is playful and enjoys books, it’s catchy!  A child is much more likely to enjoy books!

There are no rules about having to finish a book.  If the child loses interest just set the book aside and do something else for a while.  Let the child choose a different book to read.  It’s possible that the child is just not up for reading at that time.  Maybe you can find a time when the child is more rested or alert to try some book time.  Quality is more important than quantity!

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