Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Value Your Antiques & Collectibles through Price It!

Have you ever looked at your household treasures – furniture, a painting, a vintage doll – and wondered, “what is this worth?”  Or, are you an antique collector, trying to determine how much that coveted baseball card or coin is worth? Do you wish you could access opinions like those on Antiques Road Show from your home computer?  If you have a Herrick District card and the Internet, you have access to a great resource called Price It! Antiques and Collectibles that can help you find out how much your valuables are worth.

Price It! Antiques and Collectibles is a comprehensive database that allows you to identify, research and appraise art, antiques and collectibles. This great online resource compiles the bidding results from millions of online records and organizes them into searchable categories. Many results include photos to make your search even easier! In addition to appraising valuables, Price It! Info Center also features articles from industry experts on common and unusual topics in pricing, restoration, repair and more.

Click here to access this helpful resource, OR, visit Click on “Research” and scroll down to the Subject Guide tab. Choose “Subject – Antiques” and click. In this subject guide, you can access Price It! Antiques and Collectibles as well as our newest books, e-books and e-audiobooks on antiques and collectibles and many additional resources. 
Happy hunting!

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