Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Newly Notable -- Between the Lines

Hey, good news, Picoult fans!
The wait this time? Not so long! Jodi Picoult's next book (a collaborative effort with her daughter--how cool is that?) Between the Lines is getting released on June 26! Anyone else smell the perfect beach read coming at us?
Here's what we know so far: Delilah, a bookish teen, finds herself drawn to a fairytale called "Between the Lines." It speaks to her--not really, not at first--she just loves it. Then, one day, the main character, Oliver, starts talking literally.
Although it's being promoted as Teen novel, I mean, come on! It's Jodi Picoult! Am I really NOT going to put a hold on it? (See what I did there? Practicing my teen-talk? Clever, no?)
Happy Reading!

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